
Ways To Live In Peace
Ways to live in #Peace. 1. Live with the highest of intentions. 2. Live with the cleanest of heart. 3. Live with the purest of...

Trust In Your Vision
Only as individuals, we know what is spoken to us through our souls. When one can live by the soul, mind and temple in harmony, the...

You Are The Fire
You are already fire. Fire does not need a match. Fire exists without that match and destroys the weakness and temporariness of that...

Lions and Lionesses
When #Lions and Lionesses fight, it is as if all the other animals in the animal kingdom stop and see the raw nature of true physical...

Twin Flames/Lock and Key
It's been a rough couple of months for those who are truly strong and asked for growth. Lessons and experiences have been given to show...

What's Your Superpower?
There is a saying that no one truly knows where it came from. I personally remember it from Mortal Kombat the game, some others relate it...

Shine Your Light, So They Can Find You
Beautiful souls always find their way into each other's lives. In the mayhem that can be our day to day lives. Those who are truly happy,...

Love and The List
Growing up in Trinidad and South Florida, I have been blessed with the opportunity to see different cultures, experience different...

Apologize When Wrong
There is a line that separates what deserves an apology and what does not. If words are spewed with vindictive mindsets and intentions to...

What Have You Done Today?
Oh the lies we continue to live due to our programming. The pain we endure due to our egos. The fears that we feed because it feels good...