
Tribe of Judah Stand Together
When the Tribe of Judah stand together, no form of wicked shall prosper. When the serpents🐍surround, the roar of the Lion make the...

Speak Truth Children
Speak truth children, for only children spew lies. It cost nothing to tell the truth. #discoverthetruth#lionofjudahtruth #rastafarilives...

Emperor Haile Selassie
If one has not studied the works of the Emperor nor has achieved anything near to his accomplishments, one should truly re-evaluate their...

Do Good When No One Is Looking
Be inclined to do the right always, especially when no one is looking. This will always lead one down the right path. Remember, that...

True Love
So much evil exists in this world and some are not even aware of how evil they truly are inside. They believe their lies, they hurt...

The Book of The Bee
@haileiyesus - TWO days after His baptism, He chose eight of the twelve disciples; and on the third day He changed the water into wine in...

Conscious Shift (Age of Aquarius)
For those who have been blinded by ignorance, malicious thought processes and fear of discovering the truth. Life will be very difficult...

Shine Your Light
It's time to grow up children. For too long you have allowed your past emotions to affect your life. You have allowed your past emotions...

You Owe Yourself Love
It's is okay to give love to others but one must love themself first. It is NOT okay to give love to those who do not deserve your love....

Be Light in a World of Darkness
Do not allow the serpents to win, for their judgement has been cast and now they face the wrath of their creator. Their demon god cannot...