
Expectations Lead to Disappointments
One must always remember where expectation branches from. #Attachment. If one were to learn how to let go, the thought-to-reality process...

The More I Learn, The Less I Know
They say they know, yet they never asked. They say they read, but they never read. They say say they understand but never overstood. ...

It is our responsibility and individual duty for the trade off of free will to research all sides to the stories of which we are told...

Trust In The Synchronicities
It is stated that the appearance of a Ladybug brings good fortune in which our deepest desires begin to be fulfilled. Now these desires...

Observations of Snow
As water falls from the heavens above, the perfect conditions on the ground below and skies up, form trillions of unique and individual...

To Be A Queen
For those who consider them self a #Queen amongst their people. To be a Queen comes with great responsibility. Emotional and erratic...

Sun is Always Shining
Heavy clouds in winter can come like #depression. They form due to certain extremities and happenings in the atmosphere that are...

Be Water My Friend
People ask me what it is to go with the flow. I tell them the same thing Bruce Lee said. #bewatermyfriend Water may seem as if it does...

Messages from Mayhem
Everything that is happening to you at this moment in time is happening for a reason. Cycles vary depending on the numerology of which...

Chakras and Love
Understanding the Chakras and how they affect our lives, relationships, and destiny. According to the Vedas there are 7 types of...