C o n t a c t
Please feel free to contact The Lion with a brief message of love if you are ever in need of guidance. Please be patient in your quest for knowledge.
When the Lion seeks protection and strength, he seeks JaH In order to silence the mind and allow the soul to speak, one must practice their knowledge. They must master their mind. Master their body and allow the soul to lead. For we are infinite beings having a human experience. The finite mind cannot over stand the infinite. The soul is energy and energy cannot be created nor destroyed, only transferred. So discover the truth and study the works, with an open mind. Put the puzzle pieces where they fit and not where one may want them to fit. The book of law is for the unrighteous. The righteous walk with JaH. Here is an excellent compilation of works that can help one discover the truth, for nothing is as it seems. Let us live in love once we discover the truth of this realm. Hungry be fed, sick nourished, naked clothed, aged protected and infants cared for.