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B i o g r a p h y

Keegan Bruce Galt a.k.a JudaH, was born July 12 1984 in Stanley's Nursing Home, St. Claire, Trinidad and Tobago.

A full moon was setting into the mountain tops as young JudaH took his first breath of sweet Caribbean Sea infused air.


His journey from childhood to man has been an adventure that is recorded throughout the ages and can be found scattered amongst the vast space of the internet. "Seek and ye shall find" he said


Music and the arts have been part of his life since the beginning.  Coming from one of Trinidad and Tobago's greatest artist and designers, his father, Bruce Galt. He has inspired him to live up to the standard of greatness that was shown to him throughout his growing years and still to date, even after he moving onto the higher realms.


JudaH had a life changing event that caused him to become extremely engulfed in his spiritual practices for many years. As the passage of time unraveled, many things became more clear.


The mission was to dismantle the evil of this realm and he sought to inspire those who had inspired him growing up. The reggae artists of the Caribbean have had a heavy influence on Keegan's life and RasTafari has helped him unlock many truths within himself. To see the truth of this realm can make one feel helpless, but Emperor Haile Selassie I and Iyesus Kristos (Yeshua Mashiach) have shown him and the world, as David will always slew goliath in the end.


The mission is complete and now love must return to the land, after the destruction that the babylonian beast system has caused on Earth.

The wars and rumours of wars wage on in the 3D but in the higher realms, they have already lost. 

 It was written. So shall it be done.



JudaH Galt
2020 RASTA 183_LFT_JudaH_LOGO.jpg

Forming the Spirit Band in late 2021 with his close friends and studio recording artist bredrens, they have taken up the responsibility to create music that will uplift the people and help invigorate their spirit once again. To rise up the dry bones in those who have hardened their hearts from the after effects of a worldwide psychological experiment gone haywire. Story telling in the music is necessary for all and brings great joy to generations to come. Point them in the right direction.


Let the healing of Earth begin and may we rebuild a stronger civilization based upon love, morals, values, integrity, principles, honesty, compassion, empathy and honour. May the truth be known and truth be shown as The Empress Rose stated for so many years. 


The children need as much help as we can give, so let us do our ALL to set the great example for them while still enjoying our time here on Earth together as brothers and sisters of the hu-man race.  


The message is simple. 


Live with the highest of intentions, cleanest of heart and purest of thought. Life would be but a walk in the park. Follow the commandments and do not stray, for JaH never sleeps, nor does the serpent, same way. Fear not and trust in JaH. Let us remember, knowledge is power and with great power comes great responsibility, with responsibility comes accountability and in that, we can easily obtain autonomy which leads to interdependency. 

All praises belong to The Most High JaH.


#NobodyBiggerThanJaH #TheLionTribeOfJudaH  #SisterHoodOfTheRose #LionofJudahTruth #SaveTheChildren #EmperorHaileSelassieI #EmpressMenen #YeshuaHaMaschiach

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Greetings in the name of The Most High. We give thanks for your consideration of booking Official Lion of JudaH for your most blessed event. Please find all necessary material in the links below. If you need anything more, please feel free to contact us via our contact form. JaH Bless..oh yes

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