
Adamos Kadmos
The perspective in which this world works has never been shown to those who did not seek. It has been hidden by those who seek to oppress...

Cause & Effect
In a universe of cause and effect. It would be wise to become dedicated to something one is passionate about, become disciplined in...

Healing Childhood Trauma
Here is the example of a Queen. Speaking truth that once was paralyzing. #ChildhoodTrauma If all womb-men and men were to simply...

"Bless dem and test dem"
When I and I am in town and @romeo_duncombeclarke 📸 clears his busy schedule to make space for a private photo shoot, I and I make sure...

"Ye are all gods" with a lowercase g
Let us have a discussion about this. @LiamTJarret First. Know this. Create me an ancient Lebanese cedar seed out of thin air, with...

Marcel Digging The Vibes
Even #Marcel is digging the vibes. The insanely unrealistic sitcom series "Friends"are getting into the #KingSolomonGrave action. I once...

Love Is Truth, So Live In Truth
TAP OR CLICK TO SEE VIDEO Love is truth, so live in truth and even the animals will no longer fear you. #LionofJudahTruth

The Product of No Accountability For One's Actions
Parents! Are you okay with your children having access to this? Public school libraries across the nation are offering these sort of...

War brings death and destruction. Dare not glorify it.
The world has become ignorant to facts and have disillusioned them selves into believing that their own opinions and egos are right. This...

Save The Children, Protect Their Minds
Our children are being taught by indoctrinated slaves. Teachers who have become slaves to a Babylonian system. Paedophiles rule over...