
Ethiopian Coptic Cross
Which cross shows more love and intricacies of life itself? The Ethiopian Orthodox Coptic Cross or the #jesuit infected sword of death...

Cognitive Dissonance
Reposted from @empressjeanille - BRAINY TALK. 💡 #CognitiVeDissonance, this is why people get uPset or emotional when you challenge their...

Ego vs Self Respect
Reposted from @empressjeanille - EGO > your#ego is your sense of your own worth. For eXample, if someone has a large #ego, they thinK...

Satan Going Down
#SitDownSerpent #LionofJudahTruth #SatanGoingDown The serpent with its slippery forked tongue is in for some trouble. Satan Going Down...

Jays Ways 2 Be Happy
🦁✊🏽💚💛❤ Reposted from @jaysways2bhappy - A beautiful life to be human. When you really accept and embrace that this human life is...

Divine Timing
Timing in our lives is everything. We are only in control of being aware and living in the now.#giftsfromGod #DivineTiming...

Love Thyself
Always take time for yourself in nature alone. It connects you to those who truly matter. #sitdownserpent #discoverthetruth...

Strangers in a Strange Land
As the Lion is awakened to a world unrecognized, he catches on very quickly with the aid of deep meditation, to what has transpired and...

Think Less and Look Within
Let's ask @drbabelovelife a question. What are your thoughts on this from a psychological stand point while including the spiritual...

Lion of Judah Artistry
RISE UP CARIBBEAN: XiXGON SOUND ⏫🇹🇹🇪🇹🇺🇸🎧📻🔊🎶💣💥📡🌎 Leading Caribbean soundsytem Juggler #KeeganGalt aKa#LionOfJudah of...