
Trust In Jah
@empressjeanille - #REALTalk. What GOD has for YOU is for YOU. You won't haVe to beg, borrow, lie, steal, haVe seX or offer seXual faVors...

Be A True Empress
Reposted from @empressjeanille - RISE UP CARIBBEAN: HIM EMPRESS MENEN ASFAW⏫💖💛💚👪📚📝📱💻📻📺📡🇪🇹🌍 In the Autobiography of the...

You Are The Issue, If You Have One
Don't forget, YOU are the issue. Discover yourself, discover the issue. #lionofjudahtruth #sitdownserpent #cycles Reposted from The...

Be King During The Blood Moon in Leo
Be kind to yourself during this full moon. I highly recommend serious meditation, for all will be brought to the surface. #silence...

All By Grand Design
Trust in #Jah for this world can be a confusing place for those who do not overstand a tiny bit of the inner and outer workings of the...

A Conversation With The Devil
A little refresher in case you forgot. The serpent is always learning. #sitdownserpent #discoverthetruth #lionofjudahtruth

Eat Clean Children
Blessed New Gregorian Year my Children. The commandments state that "Thou Shall Not Kill". For those who want a cleaner life in 2019....

Two Monks and The River
There is a story of 2 monks travelling to a town from their monastery. An elder monk and a younger monk. At a point in their journey,...

Last Post for 2018
This will be my last post for 2018, as this is all I have left for the serpents that attack me. Keep the chaos, I am at peace. Well it...

Narcissism Has Become An Online Epidemic
@Regran_ed from Jeanille Bonterre - RISE UP CARIBBEAN: HEALING NARCISSISM & TOXIC FAMILIES 📚💡👪💖📡🌎 Author, healer and narcissistic...