Be A True Empress

Reposted from @empressjeanille - RISE UP CARIBBEAN: HIM EMPRESS MENEN ASFAW⏫💖💛💚👪📚📝📱💻📻📺📡🇪🇹🌍 In the Autobiography of the Emperor, My Life and Ethiopia's Progress, #EmpressMenen is described as "a Woman without any malice whatsoeVer". When #TafariMaKonnen became Emperor of Ethiopia as #HaileSelassieI, Menen Asfaw was crowned as Empress at His side. #EmpressMenenAsfaw was actiVe in promoting Women's issues throughout Ethiopia. She founded the Empress Menen School for Girls in#AddisAbaba, the first ALL-Girls school which had boarding and day students so girls could receiVe a#QualityEducation. The Empress gaVe generously from Her personal funds to the poor, ill and disabled. She was a deVoutly Spiritual Woman who supported, built, renoVated and endowed numerous churches in Ethiopia and in the #HolyLand. When the Empress was eXiled from Ethiopia during the Italian occupation from 1936-1941, She made a pledge to the #VirginMary at the#ChurchOfTheNatiVity in #Bethlehem, promising to giVe Her crown to the church if Ethiopia were liberated from occupation. In the role of Empress-consort She combined religious focus, concern for social causes and support for deVelopment schemes with Her Imperial MaJestic status. Outwardly She was the dutiful wife, Visiting and attending public and state eVents at Her husband's side or by herself. Behind the scenes howeVer, She was the Emperor's most trusted adVisor, Quietly offering adVice on a range of issues. The Emperor himself said that that during their 5 decades of marriage, not once had it been necessary to haVe a 3rd party mediate between Him & His wife and that their marriage had been one of Peace and mutual support. As the consort of Emperor Haile Selassie I, Empress Menen is highly Venerated by members of the Rastafari MoVement. 🙏💜👑 Hail HIM. 📖:#MyLifeAndEthiopiasProgress #HerImperialMaJesty #QUEENofQueens #Loyalty#Channeling #AfricanRoyalty #RealWomen#WomenWhoLead #LeadWithLOVE#LeadWithFamily #FAMILYFirst#KINGSandQUEENS #ReVoltCARIBBEAN #RiseUPFoundation9 #NewAgeRASTAFARI#RASTAFARIReigns 🔌:#JeanilleBonterreEntertainment #no3rdparty