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Narcissism Has Become An Online Epidemic

@Regran_ed from Jeanille Bonterre - RISE UP CARIBBEAN: HEALING NARCISSISM & TOXIC FAMILIES 📚💡👪💖📡🌎 Author, healer and narcissistic abuse surViVor Shahida Arabi presents Her new booK for adult children of narcissists. Those who'Ve had a #NarcissisticParent can testify to how damaging it is to one’s psyche.#NarcissisticParents lacK #Empathy, show a seVere sense of entitlement to micromanage the liVes of their children and often subJect their children to neglect, as well as emotional, psychological and physical abuse. From the uniQue challenges daughters of #NarcissisticFathers face to the ways in which adVerse childhood eXperiences affect our brains, Shahida Arabi's insightful essays resonate deep with those who'Ve been raised by #NarcissisticParents. In this new essay collection, Arabi eXplores how #NarcissisticAbuse in childhood can set uP #TraumaRepetition in adulthood, affecting how we naVigate relationships, the self and the world. She pinpoints the toXic traits and behaViors of #NarcissisticMothers and fathers, eXposing how #CoVertAbuse insidiously plays out in these specific dynamics. She offers the essential tools, sKillsets and healing modalities for surViVors who'Ve undergone a lifetime of abuse, helping them to breaK the cycle once and for all for Future Generations. 🙏💜✨👑@SelfcareWarrior . . Get theBooK📑⏩…/…/ OR ⏩ #ShahidaArabi #SelfCareWarrior#TheInVisibleWarZone #ChildrenOfNarcissists#NarcissisticMother #NarcissisticFather#ToXicFamilies #ChildTrauma #CompleXTrauma#GenerationalTrauma #TraumaReenactment#WomenWhoRead #WomenWhoLead#LeadWithVibes #PureVibeZ #HealingOfTheNations#ForTheYouth #ForTheFuture #BeTheGeneration#RiseUPCaribbean #RiseUPFoundation9#HighestVibration

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