Lion of Judah Artistry

RISE UP CARIBBEAN: XiXGON SOUND ⏫🇹🇹🇪🇹🇺🇸🎧📻🔊🎶💣💥📡🌎 Leading Caribbean soundsytem Juggler #KeeganGalt aKa#LionOfJudah of #XiXgonInternational has made His way into the #PerformanceArtist arena with a strong debut of #WordSoundPower, Spiritual fire and a mission to unite the international Roots&Culture Arts Community through strong foundational worKs. Born and bred out of #TrinidadAndTobago the @XiXgon moVement has been aligned with the#CaribbeanReggae industry for oVer a decade, first as a team of ambitious humble Youth wanting to represent #ConsciousCulture to the masses and now as Visionaries moVing forward to Higher Heights in the #ArtEVent promotions circuit. Sharing insights about His creatiVe inspiration, L.O.J. eXpresses His own Truth without apology, "I embrace the Consciousness of the LionOfJudah as a Blessing; ALL those who belieVe in GOD should aspire to attain oVerstanding of #HisImperialMaJesty#EmperorHaileSelassieI & His worKs. There is no Greater feat than a true awaKening of the Mind&Soul. To striVe to liVe with the highest of intentions, a #CleanHeart and the purest of thoughts is truly a way of life. Righteousness will always preVail in the face of eVil. I belieVe ALL children need a real Father figure they can be guided by, especially in these times where illusions abound. I hope that my musical messages will allow me to Guide others to be closer to JAH." Currently based in #Tampa, #Florida, where there's a thriVing underground #RootsAndCulture scene, Keegan is also using His music and Art Community networKs to help bring the New growing#RASTAFARIGeneration in the US to the forefront. Tampa Bay's diVerse Arts and rising Caribbean cultural scene is poised to become a positiVe force within the Diaspora and the Florida community at large. From Africa to the West Indian Islands to the American mainland. RASTAFARI continues to liVe, thriVe & Reign. LooKout for the @officialLionOfJudah single & Video coming soon! #RiseUPCaribbean #RiseUPAmerica #XiXgonSound#RootsAndCultureWeWant#CaribbeanArtistsAndRepertoire#CaribbeanTalentDeVelopment #SupportCaribbean #ReVoltCARIBBEAN @ReVoltTV @ReVoltTVAfrica 🔌:#JeanilleBonterreEntertainment