
#Humility is the #leadership quality of taking the brunt of the blame when things go south and giving away the majority of the credit...

There is only one that is capable of creating such perfection and beauty, yet the uneducated call it chance. #SitDownSerpent ...

Staying true to yourself and standing by someone else’s side when they face adversity is mastery of#loyalty. Never giving up on...

Did you know you can’t be resentful and #grateful at the same time? Try it. To be truly grateful is to consider all the gifts you have...

What is more advanced than the Infinite Consciousness of JaH ?
Those #social archetypes that give the illusion of necessity is crumbling before us. The false #leaders of whom one would trust in and...

The Four Agreements
To teach the children to live with the highest of intentions, the cleanest of heart and purest of thought is not an easy work in this day...

Do What You Love
Another day at the office. Life could never be hard, Babylon they make it hard. - #JahCure Do what you love and #JaH will always provide,...

Lapis Lazuli #LionCrystals
UPDATE: GIVEN TO THE RIGHTFUL OWNER Lapis Lazuli is one of the most sought after stones in use since man's history began. Its deep,...

When we #forgive we are giving up our right to collect on a debt. “An #eyefor an eye will only make the whole #world blind,” said...

The ability to step outside of yourself and perform an act of selflessness: this is the foundation of#compassion. To be compassionate is...