
The Real American Constitution
You see, before the constitution was even given the power that it has now, congress stepped in and changed up many different things. This...

Iranian Man Turn US Citizen and Loses Freedom
This is your typical Hu-Man inventor and free soul. Reza Baluchin of Iran. A man who was tortured in Iranian prison and escaped to the so...

Any educated health official knows and will tell you, masks do not protect anyone from anything. But what do I know with 12 years in...

"For The Purpose Not The Paper"
Finally, JaH has blessed us with a space that we can fairly distribute our music and those who seek to support the cause can donate...

To Eat or Not To Eat
Does one think one should be entitled to animal meat? Does one believe one should be entitled to be fed by another man? Does one believe...

Vaughn Benjamin and The Lion of JudaH
Only the true reggae fans have ever known of Vaughn Benjamin. His brother Ron and he set out to do what was once thought impossible, to...

Satan Going Down at #FunZLand, Matura, Trinidad and Tobago @EnergyMediaTT
As we continue to prepare for the rapture. (Yes your dreams are VERY real) JaH is awakening those who truly believe. Not everyone gets...

Stop Prostituting Our Culture
This post is for those who have been wronged by trusted friends, family and strangers. This post is to hold those accountable for their...

How To Manipulate A Society
It is time for ALL to open their eyes. We have been stating for years #NothingIsAsItSeems Fast forward to 2020 and we can all see the...

Life and Meditation Lessons With JudaH
Join JudaH while he helps silence the mind of chatter and teaches how to hear the soul when it speaks. Discover the truths of this world...