
Marcel Digging The Vibes
Even #Marcel is digging the vibes. The insanely unrealistic sitcom series "Friends"are getting into the #KingSolomonGrave action. I once...

Love Is Truth, So Live In Truth
TAP OR CLICK TO SEE VIDEO Love is truth, so live in truth and even the animals will no longer fear you. #LionofJudahTruth

The Product of No Accountability For One's Actions
Parents! Are you okay with your children having access to this? Public school libraries across the nation are offering these sort of...

War brings death and destruction. Dare not glorify it.
The world has become ignorant to facts and have disillusioned them selves into believing that their own opinions and egos are right. This...

Save The Children, Protect Their Minds
Our children are being taught by indoctrinated slaves. Teachers who have become slaves to a Babylonian system. Paedophiles rule over...

Half a Billion $ To Paint This House Red
@PhillipEdwardAlexander CLICK OR TAP PICTURE FOR VIDEO Time and time again. The people suffer while the peasant government robs the...

Nike Is The Goddess of Victory, By All Means Necessary?
There is an illusion programmed into humanity by big corporations. An illusion that they care about those who wear and use their...

Emperor Haile Selassie I
Reposted from @rastafaridaily - "Nations differing in ideologies could live side by side in peace unless they clash on matters involving...

Blessed Love Distrokid
These clips are just too perfect. New 2020 release out on ALL streaming platforms. #LandOfTandT

Only Royal Lions
Only #Royal Roaring Lions. No Hyenas Allowed. 🦁✊🏽💚💛❤ @dre_tosh #SitDownSerpent #Destiny #ToshLegacy #ToshDynasty #KingdomOfJudaH...