Emperor Haile Selassie I

Reposted from @rastafaridaily - "Nations differing in ideologies could live side by side in peace unless they clash on matters involving self-interest. We live in an age of ideologies and world peace is too precious a thing to be disturbed merely because of the clash of these ideologies. It is an entirely different matter though, when one country attempts to interfere in the internal affairs of another. We believe that if all nations make the Charter of the United Nations the basis of their international relationships, all can live in peace and harmony in spite of their differences in ideologies." - 225th Conquering Lion of JudaH, His Imperial Majesty, Qedamawi Haile Selassie #rastafari #rasta #jah #inspiration #history #truth #haileselassie #africa #consciousness #kingofkings #quotes #conqueringlion #judah #spirituality #ethiopia #spirit #health #wisdom #tradition #culture #discipline #wealth #focus #healing #learning #love #leader #leadership #unity #peace