Trinidad and Jamaica Unification
Beach Bummers and Life Yard 360 with JudaH

No matter the time, nor the day, nor the season or year, brotherhood is something that does not disappear.
Loyalty and honor are just some of the fundamental values that we men of this Earth cherish and solidify within our own foundation as individuals.
We know what it is to be on the receiving end of betrayal. We know what life is worth and how much the cost of death is in comparison.
We challenge our own mindset repetitively until there is no doubt or false information left from narratives of the serpent.
We educate ourselves by the leadership of His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie the 1st.
We hold all accountable for their wrong doings, yet we forgive all because we know it is rarely their fault ; programming.
JaH has brought us together after he has guided us out of the demonic babylonian system. Everything is with purpose and every moment together is met with joy.
"Out of Many, One People" is the motto of JaH-Maica
"Together We Aspire, Together We Achieve" is the motto of TriniDAD and TobaGO
Why is it that the false government leaders fail to uphold these truths that were instilled BEFORE them?
We know why and it is because they have succumb to slackness and peasantry due to the lack of a solid core foundation in the LAW of The ALMIGHTY YHWH. They will have to face their verdicts from JaH. We are but the messengers.
So RasTafari will continue to do what must be done, while the weak hearted men and womb-men sit back and accept the slavery and control that is being presented to them and their families.
Know this truth.
The Sun will shine bright tomorrow and in doing so, the darkness of this realm and of man shall be exposed for those who have eyes to see.
For those with ears, listen closely.
JaH is calling but are you answering? #WarCalling #ComingSoon