FyaH Bun WHO

But you are busy worrying about political warfare and pseudoscience from people that have NO INTEREST in your health and in your life. They have shifted history in the direction of evil, therefore we shall show them the true power of JaH. Allow me to humble your perspective. If you REALLLLLLYYY CARED you would be researching and figuring out the answers and solutions to the problems that THEY HAVE, which are ALL man made. #FyahBunWHO
Try and tag Bill Gates in something.
What has United Nations done to stop world hunger? @unitednations #NOTHING #CantTagThisIsBillGates #HypocritesAndFools #LionofJudahTruth #TruthHurtsWhenLivingALie #NobodyBiggerThanJaH #LionTribeofJudaH #SisterhoodOfTheRose #AllShallBeRevealedin2020 #AllShallBeHeldAccountable #RasTafariLives