Performance at JahVa Lounge

The day before I Earthstrong, come out to @JahVaCoffeeLounge and enjoy some proper vibes. Roots and culture with nuff #Trinidad flavour.
Music starts 10:00AM until 2:00PM(1400). Enjoy their custom made #CBD infused #Coffee #Tea #SmoothieBowls and #VeganDelights. An intimate setting for an intimate hu-man.
Live and in living colour.
We will make time for a Q and A, for those who seek guidance amidst this #PlanDemic. #NobodyBiggerThanJaH
Then after the show, we take the acoustic guitar set to America's number one beach with @beach_bummers_fl
See you there or not, your life is entirely up to you and YOU are in control. Blessed Love. (Capacity is limited)
#LionofJudahTruth #JahVa #MoreJahVa #LionTribeofJudaH #SisterhoodOfTheRose #AllShallBeRevealedin2020 #AllShallBeHeldAccountable #RasTafariLives #BeachBummersFL #XiXgonIntl #LifeWithMusic #LifeIsMusic #JahSunnyArts
Copyright: Official Lion of JudaH 2020