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Beach Bummers Vibes

Many people have attempted to shame others due to their personal life choices. For whatever reason, they believe that succumbing to mediocrity and complacency in the #Babylonian system is a noble and selfless act of compassion, when in reality it is indoctrinated slavery of the mind, body and soul. #ItsATrap #GetOutWhileYouCan We were not created in HIS image to slave away at a 9-5 job, when in reality it is more like 7 - 6. (They even lie about the hours they steal and many blindly repeat the phrase) 😂🤣 We were made to live in love, to enjoy the beauty of that which was created for us. We were given this opportunity of life to experience the wonders of the 5 elements and ability to discover how they interact with the 5 senses. Humanity has become numb to Earth's magnificence and perfection. This is where we step in. We are not here to worship one another, nor be controlled by others. We have been put here for a purpose and that entails we have a mission. The mission, should you decide to accept it, can be discovered while being transported to a different dimension with #BeachBummersFL. Where the illusionary worries of life are removed and the ever frequent thoughts of chaos and destruction are eradicated. Allow the masters of #RockingBack guide you through the maze of your own thoughts in this #magikal realm of Earth. #ComeAndDiscover what lay wait in the depths of one's soul, for what joy one has suppressed, Beach Bummers will help incite (move into action) towards greatness. #LionofJudahTruth #NobodyBiggerThanJaH #LionTribeofJudaH #SisterhoodOfTheRose #RockBack #RasTafariLives Reposted from @Beach_Bummers_Fl We do the beach different with our boho beach setups. If you're talking about beach have to include beach bummers Link us if you want more vibes at your gathering event Inside...outside...backyard....front yard...side yard....upside stairs...downstairs....underwater... in the sky Email in bio or message us on IG #BeachBummersTT #BeachBummersKY #RockBack #IslandersInc #vibesfromvibesland #wevibeshavemorevibesthanyourvibes #ReeeaalllVibbbeess

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