Discern by ShareInnSaei

“...unlearn the point of life in the midst of discern...” #iahsay ~We have an opportunity to see the dim light that shines through the darkness that COVID-19 has brought to our world. In just one week: 1. Air pollution has cleared up 2. The homeless have been housed 3. Evictions have been banned 4. The stock market is no longer an indicator of public wellness 5. Water shutoffs have been suspended 6. Political prisoners have been freed and jails have been emptied 7. The debt system has been halted 8. Universal Basic Income has been proposed by conservatives 9. People give a fuck about our elders, our vulnerable, and our frontline workers 10. Mutual aid networks are in full swing 11. People are taking responsibility to keep our communities safe and healthy 12. And we are all slowing down, paying attention to our bodies, and finding intentional ways to connect with our loved ones. It’s almost as if Mother Nature is attempting to talk to us.. trying to tell us something. 🗣🌎🌍🌏🤔 Info via - @neweconomycoalition - - - - - - - - - #friday #fridayfeels #fridaythoughts #fridaymorning #wordssmith #poet #poems #poetry #poets #poetsofinstagram #poetsofig #poetsandwriters #poetsociety #poetscommunity #poetsdaily #poetslife #poetsofinsta #poetsonig #covid19 #caronavirus #planetearth #motherearth #planetary #socialawareness #selfawareness #somatic #expandingconsciousness #bluejewel #loveeachother