Blessed Earthstrong "Ancient" Sabukie

Blessed Earthstrong to a #Brother to many, a #Lion to his pride, a #Father to the fatherless and a real #Man to all #RasTaMan. For the truths that you(@sabukie_lifeyard )continue to solidify within I and I, will forever withstand the tests of time. For #NobodyBiggerThanJaH and JaH walks with you, in you and around you. Blessed Love King. May JaH continue to shower you with wisdom and discernment as we complete the mission in these last days. #RasTafariLivesandReigns #LionofJudahTruth #LionTribeofJudaH #LionOrder🦁 #LifeYardJamaica #LifeYard #ReeducationOfHumanity