SPiCED THERAPY : CONFIDENCE ๐ซ๐ฑ๐ ๐๐๐๐โ๐ฒ๐น๐ฐ๐น๐นโจ๐ก๐ Now GO; I will help you speaK & will Teach you what to say. ๐:#EXODUS4:12 As a littleGirl, my parents neVer taught me NEVER to let anyone touch me inappropriately, I neVer Knew such behaVior eVen eXisted. Then one day at a Family gathering it started.. inappropriate talK from an "uncle" followed by his inappropriate touch & his forceful moVes on me. At 7YEARS old my whole world as I Knew it shattered. Scared out of myMIND confused out of mySOUL, I could feel it as the high walls around myHeart went UP. I Kept smiling playing & laughing throughout my childhood because I discoVered moreJOY in my time alone, reading, writing, listening to music, entertained with my OWN inner thoughts. Thus my ConVersationsWithGOD began, I felt I couldn't I speaK to anyone about the abuse - the predator said that no one would belieVe me if I said anything bad about him & he was right they didn't.. The inappropriate adVances by this grownman, a father with his own wife&children, continued at Family gatherings. At 11YEARS old, with GOD's #CONFIDENCE now blaZing through our Veins, we literally used our VOICE. I spoKe to him liKe a grownWoman, told him eXactly what would happen to him if he EVER touched me again. The looK I gaVe him sliced through his brain..I watched the SOUL of a coward BLEEDout in his own eyes. He KNEW I wasn't fucKing around, he could NOlonger taKe adVantage of Us. Our empowering Childhood eXperience taught us alot about the mentality of humans as well as how poorly informed our CARIBBEANSociety is about #DomesticABUSE, #ChildABUSE, #SeXualABUSE & #EmotionalABUSE. Shame is the WORST type of mentalChain people entrap themselVes with, the inability to Heal&ForgiVe others can be WORSE. Our LIFE eXperiences haVe prepared us to use our SpiritualGIFTS the way GOD has purposed us to >>>We can SHUTDOWN a predator & SLAY a Violator at ANYtime. We can also help SOULS to connect & manifest their Greatness same way. WePraise#RASTAFARI itinually for helping Us to KNOW our WORTH. ๐๐๐๐SELAH ๐ท:#CARIBVYBE ๐:@COOYAHClothing #COOYAHCares . #SPiCEDTherapy #SPiCED๐ฟ #TheASHANTiGODDESS ๐น #JAHCHOSEN ๐ช๐น