Akae Beka

🦁✊🏽💚💛❤ Your strength now resides within the ether. Reposted from @empressjeanille (@get_regrann) - 💫✨💫🇹🇹🇻🇮⏫📡🌍📖:#TheBOOKofENOCH>CHAPTER68:28-42 ..By this Oath the SUN&MOON complete their progress, NEVER swerVing from the command giVen to them FOREVER & EVER. By this Oath the stars complete their progress; And when their names are called, they return an answer, FOREVER & EVER. Thus in the HeaVens taKe place the blowings of the winds: ALL of them haVe breathings & effect a complete combination of breathings.There the Treasures of THUNDER are Kept & the splendour of the LIGHTNING. There are Kept the Treasures of hail & of frost, the Treasures of snow, the treasures of rain & of dew. ALL these confess&laud before the LORDofSpirits. They Glorify with ALL their power of PRAISE; & He sustains them in ALL that act of thanKsgiVing; while they laud, Glorify & eXalt the name of the LORDofSpirits FOREVER & EVER. And with them He establishes this Oath, by which they & their paths are preserVed; nor does their progress perish. GREAT was their JOY. They BLESSED, Glorified & eXalted, because the name of the SON of man was reVealed to them. He sat upon the THRONE of His GLORY; & the principal part of the JUDGMENT was assigned to HIM, the SON of man. Sinners shall disappear & perish from the face of the EARTH, while those who seduced them shall be bound with chains FOREVER. According to their ranKs of corruption shall they be imprisoned & ALL their worKs shall DISAPPEAR from the face of the EARTH; nor thenceforward shall there be ANY to corrupt; for the SON of man has been seen, sitting on the THRONE of His GLORY. EVERYTHING wicKed shall disappear & depart from before His face; & the WORD of the SON of man shall become POWERFUL in the presence of the LORDofSpirits. This is the 3rd Parable of #ENOCH. . 🙏May our WORDS WorKs & Meditation alwayZ be acceptable in Thy sight O JAH#RASTAFARI, our strength&Redeemer, the LiVingGOD who liVes within Us.💛💜👑SELAH 📷:@AKAE_BEKA #AKAEBEKA #VaughnBENJAMIN #MidniteREGGAE #VIStrong . #RiseInPowerARCHANGEL #RiseUPCARIBBEAN NEWDimension..StrongerThanEVER #RASTAFARIisTheALMIGHTY👑:#RASTAFARIReigns 🇪🇹#HailHIM #JAHCHOSEN