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Rastafari Reigns: Christ in His Kingly Character

eposted from @empressjeanille - RASTAFARI REIGNS: CHRIST IN HIS KINGLY CHARACTER 👑🇪🇹💫✨📡🌎 There is nothing better one can leaVe behind than a worthy and memorable name. Where are We to looK for Our surViVal, for the answers to the Questions which haVe NEVER before been posed? We MUST looK first to AlmightyGOD, Who has Raised man aboVe the animals and endowed him with intelligence & reason. We MUST put OurFaith in HIM, that He will NOT desert Us or permit Us to destroy humanity which He created in His image. We must looK into OurselVes into the depths of Our SOULS. We must become something we haVe NEVER been and for which Our education & eXperience & enVironment haVe ill prepared Us.. We must become bigger than We haVe been, more Courageous, Greater in Spirit, larger in outlooK. We must become members of a NEW race, oVercoming petty preJudice, owing Our ultimate #ALLEGIANCEnot to nations but to our fellow men within the human community. Unless We find the reQuisite Courage & fiXity of purpose to Rise aboVe Our petty selVes; We shall be broKen on the wheel of Our own inVention, slaVes of our own #Despotism. The#SpiritOfAFRICA is deserVing of the Greatness which #AFRICA demands of it. Let Us proVe OurselVes worthy of it. He who suffers ConQuers, and in the final resort, wins the crown of VICTORY. Place Principle aboVe ALL else. ~🙏HailHIM 📖:#TheWiseMindOfEmperorHaileSelassieI/#Character #HisImperialMaJesty #EmperorHaileSelassieI #ConQueringLionOfTheTribeOfJudah #ElectOfGOD#PowerOfTheTrinity #KINGofKings #LORDofLords#ElectOfGOD #LoyaltyIsRoyalty#KINGSandQUEENS #ChristConsciousness#Meditation #Empathy #QualityEducation#SpiritualEducation #Channelling #RealRASTA#HighestVibration #RastaFREEthePeople#RASTAFARIReigns TeachThemYoung 💚:#GreenArtsProgram 🌿:#GreenMusicProgram 🏄:#GreenSportsProgram 🌴:#GREENSCHOOLCARIBBEAN

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