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Be My Queen

Those who have a longing for truth inside, look deeper within the self to discover you are all you will ever need to be successful in this life. Successful in love, life and all that comes in between.

For within man and womb-man is The Most High and also The Most Low. For love comes with no conditions yet toxic hu-man behaviour demands control, co-dependency and manipulation. Hollywood labels this as love when in reality it is torture and hell. I advise to remove seeking education from Hollywood. They are a regime of sadistic fake Israelites dead set of naturalizing prostitution and paedophilia, Fyah Bun dem to ASH. JaH is holding them accountable. So as JaH does his work, we must strive to better each other.

Love is free and love is a choice. Just as one decides how their day will be as they rise, love is continuous and brings hope. For the past cannot be changed and the future does not exist, all we have is the present moment. So make sure love is always the fundamental reason for doing anything in one's life. Love of JaH, love of life, love of self and love for hu-manity.

To all the Queens, Princesses and Empresses on Earth. I love you ALL for without you, man would be even more miserable than he claims you make him. JaH proves this on a daily basis. This one is for you. #ILoveYou #NobodyBiggerThanJaH #LionofJudahTruth #BeMyQueen #QueenBee #EmpressOfEarth #LionessOfJudaH #LionTribeofJudaH #SisterhoodOfTheRose #AllShallBeRevealedin2020 #AllShallBeHeldAccountable #RasTafariLives #AlannUlises #GioVanniRimz4x4 #RohshanArt #JediMovements #OneJAHnre

Vocals and Lyrics : Keegan Bruce Galt Riddim: Alann Ulises @AlannRhythm - Mas Playa Riddim Mix and Master : @GioVanniRimz4x4 @onejahnre @jedimovements Song Artwork: Rohshan Veira @RohShanArt

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