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Emperor Haile Selassie

If one has not studied the works of the Emperor nor has achieved anything near to his accomplishments, one should truly re-evaluate their life and strive for more greatness. For he is a father to the fatherless and the embodiment of Iyesus Kristos(The Annointed One) in flesh. For he stood for righteousness when Italy spewed their lies and rained poison down from the skies, yet Italy has yet to pay for their crimes against humanity. For he was the only world leader to speak to the League of Nations and the United Nations yet they failed him when he asked for help. For he slewed goliath and the peasant Queen of England bowed to him. All will be held accountable for their actions against God's people. You think I lie? Tune into Europe. This is just the beginning. It will get worse before it can get better. #rastafarilives #discoverthetruth#lionofjudahtruth #sitdownserpent By my feet you stay! 👣🐍 @Regran_ed from @haileiyesus - TEACHINGS OF HIS IMPERIAL MAJESTY...I might say for myself that from early childhood I was taught to appreciate the Bible and my love for it increases with the passage of time. All through my troubles I have found it a cause of infinite comfort. Because of this personal experience in the goodness of the Bible, I was resolved that all my countrymen should also share its great blessing and that by reading the Bible they should find truth for themselves. Therefore, I caused a new translation to be made from our ancient language into the language which the old and the young understood and spoke. July 23, 1961#ethiopianhistory #haileselassiehistory #holybible#holyscriptures #bible #blackhistory #christianity#ethiopianorthodoxtewahedochurch#ethiopianorthodox #tewahedo #wisdom #african#holy #kingofkingsofethiopia#conqueringlionofthetribeofjudah #worldhistory#facts #woke #teachingsofhismajesty

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